How I built the Kamba Bible (Mbivilia) Android App

In this blog post, I will tell you about how I built the Kamba Bible Android app, commonly known as the Mbivilia Android app.

I have wanted to write this blog post for a while now, but I kept postponing it.

Something compelled me today to take some time off my busy schedule and write it.

So, let me do this now!

Mbivilia App

To learn more about Mbivilia App, check out this URL Mbivilia App

A Brief History about myself

Let’s take a journey back to 2016 – a year that feels like a distant memory now, but was pivotal in shaping how we read the Mbivilia today.

I had just graduated from college in 2015, and I wanted to get something going for myself.

I was trying to find a job, but nothing was forthcoming.

I received the infamous response, “… we regret to notify you that …“ for almost every job I applied to.

I was trying to be creative and find something that I could do to make a living.

Sadly, nothing seemed to be working for me at the time.

I had noted that some of the jobs I was applying for required particular skills—some of which I had and others that I did not.

You know how rejections can pile up until you start doubting your abilities?

Haha! That was me at the time!

Those rejections really fueled my insecurities.

They made me re-evaluate what I thought I knew.

I decided that I was going to polish up my software programming skill set.

I loved the Java programming language more than the other programming languages I knew at that time.

For non-techies, Java is a programming language.

There are several programming languages that software engineers can use to develop software applications, and Java is one of those.

Java is a widely used programming language for developing software applications that run on computers as well as on Android devices, like Android phones.

Now that I have explained what Java is, let us continue!

So, what was I saying earlier before I lost my train of thought?

Argh! This memory lapse!

By the way, kuma ivinda yu tu tonyawa ila singano sya ula muimu, ndyisi kana andu angi o takwa kana nimakwatiwe ni mbulwa mbingi ta ila syangwatie nye? Hahaa!

Forget that! That was on a light note!

I remember now! I was saying that I wanted to improve my knowledge of the Java programming language.

I told myself that I was going to polish up my Java programming skill set by developing applications with it and honing my Java skills while doing so.

I wanted to be thorough in Java so that if I happened to land a software engineering interview for a Java programming job, I would ace it like I was born to write software applications in Java.

That was my thinking at the time, and that is what I embarked on doing.

I gathered all the material I could find on the internet about the Java programming language so that I could study them and use them as offline references on days when I didn’t have internet access.

I also updated my computer with the latest Java programming language version and the latest version of the NetBeans IDE.

For non-techies, NetBeans IDE is a platform where you write Java software applications, similar to how you bake cakes specifically in an oven.

If you are curious to learn about the NetBeans IDE, check out this URL: NetBeans IDE. For Java, please check out this URL: Java.

I am realizing that it’s not going to be easy to write this blog post without sounding too technical, but I will try to make it simple and easy to understand for anyone who reads it.

So, after prepping my computer and gathering all the materials that I thought were sufficient for this endeavor, I embarked on studying Java and improving my Java programming skill set.

The Notepad Software Application

I do not remember how deep my fascination with studying Java was before I started following a tutorial to create a notebook in Java.

The tutorial guided me through developing a notebook software application for a computer. It was a simple tutorial and just a simple exercise, but I felt so good about the notebook I had developed in Java.

I do not know why I felt so attached to it and felt such a strong connection to the notebook I had developed.

I kept thinking about how I could improve it.

I enhanced its looks and appearance.

Later, I decided to enable the notebook to save notes in a back-end database.

I also added a feature for searching the notes using text typed into a search box.

I made the notebook look as fancy as I could and felt very pleased with the end product I had created.

Funny thing is, I had developed other Java software applications before, but I did not feel as attached to them as I did to this notebook.

I created several variants of the notebook, which made me feel very good about myself.

Student Notepad

I began to believe in myself more while working on this notebook software application when I asked myself, "What else can I build to add value to people's lives that works in the same way as the notebook I had created?"

An idea came to mind: I could develop a Student Notepad for taking notes during class sessions and then use the search box during solo study sessions to refer to what was written in class.

I went ahead and developed it, and I was so impressed with it.

While marveling at my Student Notepad, I remembered that I did not see many students pursuing non-technology-based courses moving around with laptops.

My Student Notepad was developed to work on Windows.

I told myself that I should endeavor to create a Student Notepad for mobile phones as well.

Many students in my former college had access to mobile phones rather than personal computers.

I chose to develop a Student Notepad version for Android-based mobile phones because most mobile phones are powered by the Android OS.

Student Notepad for Android Mobile Phones

Let me surprise you!

Imagine, in the year 2016, not only had I never developed an Android application before, but I had also never owned an Android phone. And yet, here I was, planning to develop a Student Notepad that works on Android mobile phones!

At that time, I owned a Nokia 2102 mobile phone that was red and black in color.

Asya nduuka! Talk about a crazy person!

When did you own your first smartphone?

I knew it was going to be an uphill task to develop the Android-based Student Notepad without the resources I needed.

The only hope I had was that I knew Android applications are developed in Java, and I had some knowledge of the Java programming language that I could use to pull off this task.

Regarding the lack of an Android mobile phone, I knew that I had friends and family members who owned Android phones. I planned to rely on them to help me test my Student Notepad Android app on their devices.

I downloaded the Android Development Tools Kit (ADT) for my computer, which would enable me to develop the Student Notepad Android application.

For the tech-savvy, the ADT was a plugin used to extend Eclipse with tools for Android application development. It was the most commonly used platform for developing Android applications before Android Studio (AS) took over.

Having met all the requisite requirements to develop Android applications on my computer, I set out to develop the Android-based Student Notepad.

Somewhere along the way, my dad, who was working in upcountry Kenya, offered to give me his Android phone that he was not using. He loved his feature phones and had not yet learned how to use the Android phone.

He told me, "Simu isu naunenge ndukanaange! Nzuviiye simu yakwa! Ona kembwa ndyisi utumia simu ino sya touch ndi umaanisha eti ndimiendete!"

I was so grateful to him for his kind gesture!

Fast forward to today, I have since bought him two other Android phones and another feature phone that he uses when working on the farm.

In an unfortunate twist of events, the Android phone he helped me with was stolen some years ago by a thug somewhere between Githurai and Thika when he was traveling to Nairobi from Ukambani.

Ing'eli fulani, mbilondo ya mundu yavulisye simu ya Tata yasemba nayo! Me lamenting in Kamba about the thug that snatched my dad's phone and ran away with it.

Now back to the Student Notepad!

After some time, the Android Student Notepad application materialized and worked so well on the Android phone I was testing it on, as well as on the Android phones of other family members to whom I sent the application via email as an attachment for testing.

Back then, you could install an Android application on a device without it coming from Google’s Play Store, and it would install just fine.

Nowadays, Google dissuades and blocks you from installing Android applications that do not originate from Google’s Play Store.

On this endeavor, I had managed to kill two birds with one stone. I had learned how to develop Android applications and also learned how to use an Android phone comfortably.

Asya kuoko kwa Ngai! Talk about God's intervention!

I had never used an Android phone before and was even afraid of them because they seemed too sophisticated and complicated for me. But here I was, having developed a working Android application that ran fine on several Android phones I had tested it on, even though I did not own an Android phone myself. This is strange, right?

Surprisingly enough, I managed to sell it to two students for Kshs 500 each. No other students showed interest in it.

I do not know whether to say that making a product for students is not a wise decision, but from my experience, I would advise anyone thinking of doing the same to reconsider their move.

Just like me at the time, most students do not have disposable income of their own. They spend on what is necessary to survive through school.

Have you ever tried making something or offering services to students? What was your experience like? Did you make good money from it?

Kamba Hymns Android App – Taiia Ngai App

With the Android based Student Notepad working flawlessly, I sought to find the next challenge to tackle with the Java programming language that I had embarked on studying and improving my knowledge of it.

One day while working on my computer, a thought came thru my mind, I asked myself, what other Android App could I develop that could impact people's lives positively?

I kept on asking myself this question for some days when one day while putting away some old newspapers and some papers that were occupying my workstation that I came across the Mbathi sya kumutaiia Ngai book ~ The Kamba Hymn book.

Then it clicked in my mind, to develop an Android based Kamba Hymn book Application!

I was so excited about this idea!

I took the Kamba Hymn book and placed it next to my computer lest I forget about this idea.

That is how the Taiia Ngai App idea was born. Check out Taiia Ngai App's website here on this URL

Just in case I lost you along the way, the Kamba Hymns book is known in the Kamba language as Mbathi sya kumutaiia Ngai (Songs of praising God).

I coined the name Taiia Ngai App for the Kamba Hymns Android App from the Kamba Hymns book's name, Mbathi sya kumutaiia Ngai (Songs of praising God).

In fact, developing Taiia Ngai App was not any different from developing the Student Notepad. The songs would replace the notes and then I would use the search to find text in a song same way I would use text to find something that had been written as a note.

The similarities of these use cases were many and it was easy for me to come up with the Taiia Ngai App using experience and knowledge that I had acquired from developing the Android based Student Notepad.

Developing Kamba Hymns App - Developing Taiia Ngai App

With the Kamba Hymns physical book at my disposal, all I needed to do was to get the Kamba Hymns lyrics into electronic form so that I could be able to access them on my computer as well as on the Taiia Ngai Android App that I was developing.

So how was I going to get this done?

To begin with, I quickly realized that there was nowhere I could find the Kamba Hymns lyrics in electronic form.

No matter how much I searched on the internet, I couldn’t find all 470 Kamba Hymns lyrics in electronic format.

This only meant one thing: I was going to have to sit down and type all 470 Kamba Hymns lyrics from the Kamba Hymns book.

I painstakingly typed out all the Kamba Hymns lyrics on my computer and then created a database for them.

For the tech people, I first created a MySQL database for all 470 Kamba Hymns lyrics on my computer.

Later on, I created an SQLite database of the Kamba Hymns lyrics from the MySQL database.

I needed to have them in an SQLite database so that I could port them to an Android mobile device because Android does not support MySQL databases.

I have never typed so much Kamba in my life.

Unlike some of my cousins who grew up in Ukambani and were taught Kamba at school, I have never been in a Kamba class where I was required to learn how to write and read Kamba.

I grew up in a metropolitan area and went to school with kids from all tribes of Kenya, including Sudanese, Eritreans, Ethiopians, Rwandese, Nigerians, Somalis, etc., so there was no way I would have learned Kamba at school.

Most of the time, there were about 3 or fewer Kambas in the entire class.

Only in college did my class consist of 6 Kambas.

I am one of those people who would do an injustice to that verse in the Kamba Bible with the text (nyonyi) if I read it out of context. You know that word could mean birds or cowpea leaves. By the way, do you know which verse in the Kamba Bible I am talking about? Let me see how well you know your verses of the Bible.

Those who used to recite Kamba Bible verses know what I am talking about.

I wonder why the translators of the Bible into Kamba chose to use nyonyi for birds instead of kasuni ~ masuni. Does anyone know why?

Eventually, I completed typing the Kamba Hymns lyrics on my computer, and I can never forget the exhilarating feeling I had while typing the National Anthem of Kenya in both English and Swahili at the very end, knowing that I had accomplished the mission of converting the 470 lyrics in the Kamba Hymns book to electronic format.

With the Kamba Hymns lyrics in electronic format, I was able to complete the rest of the development work for the Taiia Ngai Android App with ease.

The initial Taiia Ngai App had a truckload of spelling mistakes.

Thanks to the feedback I received from the first users of the Taiia Ngai App, I was able to go back to the database and correct these errors.

I developed several versions of the Taiia Ngai Android App, with each newer version including more fixes for typing errors and spelling mistakes.

I put in so much work developing the Taiia Ngai App, considering that I built it from the ground up.

I was happy to see the Taiia Ngai App doing well after all the hard work I had put into it.

People were reaching out to me from all over Kenya to inquire about it and how they could get it for their phones.

Can I surprise you?

I even got contacted by my own cousins, whose contacts I did not have and whom I had not seen for years.

They didn’t even know that I was behind the Taiia Ngai App.

Only after they contacted me over the phone and inquired about the app did they realize that I was the one who developed it.

It was a humorous and exciting surprise for most of them.

Inception of the Idea to Develop Kamba Bible App – Mbivilia App

While concentrating on putting Taiia Ngai App in the hands of many people, I found myself thinking of replicating the same idea of an Android based Kamba Hymns book for an Android based Kamba Bible.

I however could not fathom the idea of sitting down and typing the whole Kamba Bible into an electric format so that I could be able to develop an Android App for it.

As the days went by I began to get excited about the idea of developing and availing the first ever Kamba Bible Android App.

I even started considering the colors that the Kamba Bible App's Graphical User Interface (GUI) would have.

I had a desire that was so compelling and pushing me to do whatever it takes to make the Kamba Bible Android App a reality.

I considered paying people to type chapters of the Kamba Bible and send them to me for consolidation, but I didn’t have the funds for that.

I even thought about borrowing money from people or getting some form of funding to accomplish this objective but I did not succeed with that.

So what was I going to do to pull this off?

There were some other things that I was doing on the side but they too were not generating consistent revenue.

Sending the Kamba Bible abroad to the US for Electronic format conversion

One day I woke up and found myself searching on internet how to archive physical book contents electronically.

There was a time insurgents invaded one of the earliest universities in the world and destroyed lots of old books.

This was at the university of Timbuktu in Mali, Africa.

I remember how I felt bad about that situation when I heard about it in the media.

This story in a way influenced my thoughts and spawned a curiosity in me to find out how book contents could be preserved electronically.

Before I knew it, I was already exploring institutions in the world that preserve old books electronically.

That's how I ended up finding WorldCat organization.

Take a look at this web page here WorldCat organization.

I am not going to say anything about WorldCat because I only saw the listing of the Kamba Bible there and nothing else.

My excursions on the internet led me to a service in the US that helps people to convert books to electronic format data that they can archive digitally. They are called Bound Book Scanning.

Looking at their rates, I figured out that this was a much better and less expensive plan than getting to pay people to help me with typing the chapters of the Kamba Bible.

I contracted Bound Book Scanning services to help me convert the Kamba Bible into a digital electronic format. You can learn more about them from this website here Bound Book Scanning.

I gathered the proceeds that I had accumulated from giving away the Taiia Ngai App (The Kamba Hymns App) and used them to facilitate the payment of shipping the Kamba Bible abroad and for the service charge of converting it to an electronic digital document.

So after I paid Bound Book Scanning company, they gave me the address with which to send them the Kamba Bible for conversion to an electric digital document.

Actually if I remember well, it cost me much more to send the Kamba Bible to the US than it cost me to pay Bound Book Scanning for their service.

The reason is because I chose to send the Kamba Bible as an EMS package.

EMS means Expedited Mail Service that is charged at a premium rate by Posta.

By the way it was the first time that I was using EMS. I had never used it before nor even knew how it worked from the regular mail service.

I first went to the Post office along Tomboya street next to the fire station and from the stares they gave my package, I wondered whether it would arrive in one piece.

One guy there who was giving it a more skeptical look and casting casual glances at his colleagues made me wonder what he was conjuring up his mind when he asked me, eti umesema hii ni nini?

Then he followed that first question with, na unaituma wapi? To which I answered, ni Bibilia!

He looked at his colleagues, some ladies who also worked there then they all fell silent and said nothing.

I wondered whether I had done something wrong or whether they had issues with how I had packaged my Kamba Bible!

The guy stopped acting queer and then told me, to go to GPO and request to send the package via EMS.

I told him thank you and left.

On my way to GPO, I kept wondering why the guys at Tomboya Post office were acting all spooked up. I guess I will never know but did they think that I was trying to mail some contraband stuff to the US or were they sizing it up thinking maybe I had stashed something else in that package that was not a Kamba Bible as I was telling them?

Whatever! I navigated my way thru the busy streets of Nairobi as I headed towards GPO,

At GPO, I went to the EMS section and after I paid for the Kamba Bible package to get shipped to the US, they gave me the EMS polythene bag to put the Kamba Bible in. They did not give me those weird stares that I was getting at the Post office at Tomboya street.

Afterwards, I handed back to the lady at the counter the package with the Kamba Bible after sealing it in the EMS polythene bag and left.

I used the tracking number on the EMS payment receipt to track the package on its way to the US.

In about 4 days, the package reached Bound Book Scanning company in the US, the company that was going to convert the Kamba Bible to electronic digital document.

Just in case I lost you or forgot where this is all leading to, the purpose of sending the Kamba Bible to the US to the company Bound Book Scanning, is for this company to convert the Kamba Bible to an electronic digital document that I can use to create the Kamba Bible Android App without me have to type all the verses of the Kamba Bible on my own while developing the Kamba Bible Bible Android App.

Twi vamwe? Are we together?

Receiving the Electronic Digital Copy of the Kamba Bible in Word Document

As soon as Bound Book Scanning received the Kamba Bible, they did not take long before they reached out to me.

They sent me the first electronic digital copy in Word format of the Kamba Bible,

I was surprised at how fast they had worked on it and immediately rushed to my computer to check it out.

Boy was I disappointed!

They had done a shoddy job!

The text was jumbled up with some unreadable characters,

I felt so cheated!

I replied to them and asked them what was happening!

I told them that the text was unreadable.

I do not remember what they said but it was not something pleasant.

I begged them to do a proper job because I could do nothing with the digital document of the Kamba Bible that they had sent me. It was unreadable, text overlapping one another, foreign characters all thru and a pile of text that you could not tell what language it was in. A total mess!

They sent me another document which was not very different from the first one and when I complained about it, they said something about their machines or is it their software not being fine tuned to handle that language or something along those lines as an excuse for their mediocre work.

Sorry I have nothing good to write home about their type of service. They failed to meet my expectations and frustrated my efforts.

There was nothing that I could do with the Kamba Bible documents that they had sent me.

I still have those documents somewhere in my old computer and in my e-mail inbox as well. They are useless!

All these efforts I had undertaken to ship the Kamba Bible to the US and the money I spent had gone to waste. It was an exercise in futility, and now I needed to go back to the drawing board to determine my next course of action.

Typing the Kamba Bible on my own

Having failed in the plan of coming up with an electronic digital copy of the Kamba Bible abroad I pondered my next move after counting my losses.

Not only had I lost money but I also did not have another Kamba Bible at my disposal.

When I was paying for the service, there was an option to include additional fee charge for getting the Kamba Bible sent back to me after it was converted to an electronic digital document but I had opted out of it to minimize overhead costs.

So these guys were not going to be sending back my Kamba Bible.

By the way what Kamba proverb (nthimo) is appropriate for this scenario? Someone tell me!

In the meantime, I tried to distract my mind by improving the Taiia Ngai App and allocating more time and attention to the small side jobs that I was doing.

By then I had already come to terms with the fact that I was going to have to type the Kamba Bible by myself.

After thinking things thru, I decided that I would first type the New Testament of the Kamba Bible and develop a New Testament Kamba Bible Android App for starters then endeavor to put it in the hands of as many people as I could then use the proceeds to pay people to help me type the Old Testament of the Kamba Bible.

Going forward, my next plan of action was to first get another Kamba Bible book.

I remember one day while coming from church moving around the CBD looking for the Kamba Bible.

I later found it at a Tumaini Supermarket in the outskirts of Nairobi. I was surprised that they had it in stock. I honestly do not even know why I decided to check with the Supermarket whether they had it but I am glad I did. Asya mumo wa Ngai ~ Talk of God's grace!

I am forgetting the exact price but I think it was either Kshs 1400 or Kshs 1600.

They wrapped the Kamba Bible well for me and I stepped out of that Supermarket with the new Kamba Bible in my hand on my way home feeling great and inspired like an Evangelist on a mission to win souls for the Kingdom. Wueh!

I pray God will remember me for these struggles and usher me in His Kingdom in one of those many mansions made of Gold in heaven when this is all over. Ama vipi wadau? Andu ma Ngai kwa mboyei muno!

A few days later, after I had gathered some momentum I started typing away at the verses of the Books of the New Testament of the Kamba Bible.

I toiled away at it and would only take occasional breaks to go grab food and take some rest to relax my eyes from the strain of the computer screen glare.

Amidst the intense focus of my work, I couldn’t help but wonder how the German missionary Ludwig Krapf must have felt using the limited technology of his time, with no computers available, yet managing to translate the New Testament into the Kamba language. You can read about Ludwig Krapf here:

Developing the New Testament Kamba Bible Android App

After several days of laboring to type the New Testament of the Kamba Bible, I finally completed the preliminary task, with many subsequent tasks remaining for the development of the New Testament Kamba Bible Android App.

I have never read and written so much Kamba in my life as I did when typing the New Testament.

I had also never read any Bible so repeatedly like I did at that time, and it wasn’t just the Kamba Bible.

Imagine if I had gone ahead and read the whole of the Old Testament too? I would have become a Prophet by now!

I felt different after reading the entire New Testament in Kamba and saw why the Old Testament is incomplete without the New Testament. The Bible needs both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Let me stop at this point before I discover a calling for Preaching that I didn’t know I had, leading me to start a Church or go on Mission work in distant places to Preach.

I am a Software Engineer, not a Preacher!

Now that I had the New Testament of the Kamba Bible in electronic format, the next step was to create an RDBMS database for the Kamba Bible with all the verses. I did this using a MySQL database on my computer, just like I had done for the Taiia Ngai App.

Afterward, I converted the MySQL Kamba Bible database to an SQLite database that can work on Android mobile devices.

All these steps did not happen in a single day.

Sometimes I would take breaks for a few days to focus on other things, like applying for scholarships to advance my studies and even applying for jobs.

I used the same skill set and knowledge that I had acquired from building the Notebook, Student Notepad, and the Taiia Ngai App to develop the New Testament of the Kamba Bible Android App.

Eventually, I completed the first prototype of the New Testament Kamba Bible Android App. I named it the Mbivilia App Utiianio Mweu, meaning "New Testament of Kamba Bible."

Mbivilia App – Mbivilia (Utiianio Mweu) App

In the following days, I worked on improving the Graphical User Interface (GUI), Theme Colors, The Search Feature, and Navigation.

I also got a good icon of an open book and put a red cross inside it at the center so that it could be the icon for the Mbivilia Android App.

I felt so great seeing the Mbivilia App work just as I had envisioned it on various Android Mobile Phones.

It was just the New Testament, not the whole Kamba Bible, but I felt so good about this achievement!

What most people did not know is that I did not develop the Mbivilia App as a seasoned Android Applications Software Developer but as a learner.

I think it is also at around this time that I registered the website for the Mbivilia App.

Before not so long, I started putting out the Mbivilia App in the hands of people.

My plan was to gather and save as much money as I could from the proceeds of the Mbivilia (Utiianio Mweu) App so that I could pay people to help me to type the Old Testament of the Kamba Bible and eventually release a full Kamba Bible App ~ Mbivilia App.

Takeaways from Developing the first Mbivilia App – Kamba Bible App

I did not think that it was necessary to draw any takeaways from developing the first Kamba Bible App – Mbivilia App but this is for anyone who is interested.

  • I read for the first time the whole New Testament of the Kamba Bible without skipping a single verse.
  • I did something for the Kamba community with the knowledge and skill set that I had acquired from studying a computing course in a Kenyan college. We did not have to wait for missionaries to develop an Android Kamba Hymns App or an Android Kamba Bible App for us.
  • I learned how to develop Android applications in Java programming language, a skill set that I have used to develop other Android applications.
  • I met relatives online that I had not seen or talked to for a long time when they established contact to get the Taiia Ngai App and Mbivilia App only for them to discover that it was me behind these Android Apps.
  • I met lots of you good people from all over Ukambani.
  • I met lots of Kamba people living and working outside Kenya in countries like the US, Mexico, Somalia, Belgium, etc.
  • I was surprised that people from the Kenya Defense Forces in Somalia too showed interest in the Mbivilia App. I was so happy to send it to them too.
  • People from all manner of professions including but not limited to teachers, pastors, and the Kenya Police reached out too to get the Taiia Ngai App and the Mbivilia App. By the way, even college students too.
  • There was a teacher in remote parts of Mwingi who traveled from his location of work to Mwingi town on a weekend where he could find good internet so that he could download and install the Mbivilia App on his Android phone. I felt so encouraged by his determination.
  • There is an AIC pastor who reached out to me on a Saturday afternoon. He told me, Niwekee hiyo Mbivilia App, nitahubiri nayo kesho kwa Kanisa ~ Send me the Mbivilia App. Tomorrow when I stand at the Pulpit to preach I will read my Bible verses for the sermon that I will preach from the Mbivilia Android App. That was hilarious and encouraging for me at the same time. I sent the Mbivilia App to him.
  • There was also a lady who traveled back to her home in Ukambani with new Android phones for her parents and relatives and when she got there she asked me to send the Mbivilia App to install in her people’s phones. That really touched me in a very special way. I congratulated and praised her for that kind gesture.
  • A sister in Mexico came across the Mbivilia App, she supported the cause, shared news about it in the WhatsApp groups she was in, and even sent her sister back home in Kenya money to buy an Android phone so that she could be able to install Mbivilia App in it. It is acts like these that made me feel so good about developing this app. Espero que estés bien? Te agradezco mucho! Muchas gracias a ti y te mando muchos saludos desde Kitui, Kenia! Aprendí un poquito de español en YouTube y ya compré unos libros en internet para mejorar mi español. ¡Jajajaja!
  • I realized that the internet is a reliable means of communicating and growing communities of people irrespective of wherever they are.
  • Lastly, I noted that the Kamba people from Makueni County will support a cause that they believe in with huge numbers. I salute you all! This was evident in the engagements that I had with them on phone, e-mail, and WhatsApp as well as from the data analytics of my Mbivilia App's website and on Facebook. Ninamunengie ndaiya nene muno andu ma Makueni ~ Much respects to people from Makueni.

That's all I wanted to write about this Blog Post.

I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Let me know what you think about it and if there is anything else that you would like to know about the Mbivilia App or the Taiia Ngai App or even about me, you can send me an email on the contacts below.

I would like to thank every one of you that supported me in this endeavor. Ngai amuathime muno ~ God bless everyone of you in a mighty way!

Send me an E-mail using below E-mail Address