Mbivilia App is the first ever Android Mobile Phone App for Kamba Bible. This App is a collation of all the Utianio Mweu Books found in the Kamba Bible
We are happy and full of joy to bring you the first ever Kamba Bible App. We have faith and belief that God will guide, reveal and inspire you to donate to this initiative in support of this project and get to download Kamba Bible App to your Android Phones and be part of this truly blessed Christian group that uses Technology to bring the Good Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to our Kamba Sisters and Brothers' Mobile Phones and Tablets.
To learn about How I Developed the Kamba Bible App, check out this URL How I Developed the Mbivilia App
The Bible is the Word of God and the Word of God is God Himself. God is His Word (John 1:1-4, King James Version). The Word of God is Life. God is Life (Gen 2:17, Job 33:4, John 1:3-4, Job 10:12, King James Version). God ministers to us thru his Word. Think of it this way, God talking to you in Kamba your own mother tongue! Isn't it amazing when He is so close to you and when He can use your Mobile Phone to speak to you? Give Him that chance in your Life today! Donate to our Kamba Bible kitty and get Mbivilia App in your Mobile Phone now. Invite God into your Mobile Phone! Inivite God into your Life today! Let God be closer to you! Walk with God everywhere you go!
Kamba Bible ( Mbivilia ) App
Features of Kamba Bible App / Mbivilia App
Search in Mbivilia by Book, Chapter and Verse
Retrieve Book, Chapter, Verse very fast and with ease.Search in Mbivilia with part of text from Verse
Retrieve a Bible Verse by searching with text you can remember from Mbivilia.Turn your Phone into a Portable Mbivilia
Your Phone instantly becomes your Kamba Bible when you install Mbivilia App.No need to carry bulky Kamba Bible to church
Use your Phone to read Mbivilia verses when you attend church service.
Kamba Bible App Users
We are now waiting for you to join the Mbivilia App initiative and be part of the blessed team that supports this project. God will abundantly bless each and everyone of you that donates generously to this project. You own this Kamba Bible App. This Mbivilia app is your pride our Kamba sisters and brothers. We want you to move with the times and not be left behind by the emerging technology trends. That's why it took us the effort to spin off this project from the ground so that we see you grow in the faith and make it easier for you to access the Holy Bible (Mbivilia) in Kamba any time, any where and wherever you wish from your Mobile Phone.
This Mbivilia App tries as much as possible to retain a resemblance of the very old text that was translated in the very early days during and after the colonial days. The text may not be closer to the newer Mbivilia versions we have today in modern times but the context is still the same. Our very very old grandfathers (..those who could read) read something close to this particular version in our Mbivilia App though in this version of our Mbivilia 'Utianio Mweu' App we have re-written some text again to harmonize both Thaisu and Machakos dialects. It is a unique Mbivilia. You will love to read it and get the old feel it used to have back in the days before maybe some of us were born. It should feel like the first copy of Mbivilia Dr. Krapf handed to the Kamba community after translating Bible to Mbivilia in the early years of missionary work back in the yester years.
Spot Pastor Timothy Mwaniki here below in a navy blue suit singing to Kamba Hymns from his Kamba Hymns Phone App at Simba church in Ithumba that is Nzaui region.
We encourage you too to send us photos of you praising and worshipping in church functions from Kamba Hymns App or reading Bible from Mbivilia App in Church, Wedding etc. and we will share them here too.
Mobile Phones Suitable for Installing Mbivilia App
Many are the times we have been asked by our brothers and sisters interested in having Kamba Bible Book App whether this App can install in their Mobile Phones. Our answer has always been that if it is an Android OS Phone, then it is good to go.
What are the Advantages of having an Android Mobile Phone?
- Android Mobile Phones give you all the features of a Smart Phone at very Cheap, Affordable and Competitive Prices.
- You can Call and Receive Calls and WhatsApp. You can also do Video Calls.
- You can Save and Carry around your Important Data in an Android Mobile Phone e.g. your CV, Business Documents, Scanned Title Deeds, Scanned Certificates, Minutes, Memos, Music, Videos etc. and retrieve them at will.
- You can Browse the internet, check and reply to e-mail, engage your followers on social media, catch up with the latest on news portal sites.
- You can play back music, videos and record music and videos from and Android Phone.
- Most Android Phones come with Cameras. You will thus be able to get photos, selfies and snapshots of those special moments.
- An Android Phone gives you a number of options of connecting to the internet e.g. via Data Bundles, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc.
- Reading Digital Books, Documents and other Text Data is made possible if you have the appropriate apps installed for reading Text Data in your Android Mobile Phone.
- Multitasking is made possible in Android Mobile Phones. E.g. you can be listening to Radio or Music while Browsing the Internet, Engaging Social Media discussions, Uploading Photos, Charging your Mobile Phone and Editing a Document at the same time.
- Android Mobile Phones allow you to order and add new apps to your phone like Kamba Hymns Book and Mbivilia. Any App that you do not have you can order and install it into your phone if the manufacturer of the Mobile Phone forgot to add it into your phone.
- You can start your Car with it and in future expect to do more from your Android Mobile Phone including Closing and Opening Doors, Curtain Drapes, Monitor Security Cameras in Remote Places e.g. monitor what your dog is barking at in your rural homestead in Wote while you are away. These are just some few things you can do with your Android Mobile Phone among many other things that Mobile Computing and Internet of Things will bring us in future.
Unfortunately not everyone knows what an Android Phone looks like or even tell an Android Mobile Phone from any random Mobile Device. One important thing to note is that the size of the Mobile Phone Screen or whether it is a Touch Phone does not determine whether a Mobile Phone is an Android OS Phone. Assuming that you are shopping for a good Android OS Mobile Phone so that besides using it to Call and Browse the internet you can also use it as your Kamba Hymns Book and Mbivilia, so how do you know that a Mobile Phone is an Android OS Phone?
How to know a Mobile Phone is an Android OS Phone?
If you find a good polite attendant at the Mobile Phones’ shop, they can guide you to check the following 5 Simple STEPs to verify that the Mobile Phone you are committing to buy is an Android OS Phone. Here you go, while the Mobile Phone’s display is turned ON, request them or do the following;
- Locate and Tap Settings App on the Mobile Phone’s Display.
- Find About Phone or About Device option by scrolling all the way to the bottom of the list and tap on it.
- You will see a list of items but what you need now is System Information or Device Information entries. If you find it, Tap on it.
- You should see Model Number, Android Version and a list of other particulars like Screen Resolution, CPU, RAM, ROM if the device is an Android OS though these will depend on type of device you are handling.
- If the Android Version option has a value like 4.1.0 or 5.0 or 5.1 or 6.0, then you can be sure you are indeed handling an Android OS Mobile Phone. If the Phone shows a value from 4.x.x for Android Version, then that is a Mobile Phone device that is a suitable Mobile Phone for installing Kamba Hymns App and Mbivilia App.
A Mobile Phone which is not an Android OS Phone will NOT show you the property Android Version as is the step in NO 4 and will thus not have an Android Version (see Step NO 5).
You now know how to check whether a Mobile Phone is an Android OS Phone based on the above simple 5 STEPS. The other thing you need to ask yourself now is, which Android Mobile Phone Model do you choose? Based on this you can identify a model that is renowned for having the particular features you are looking for in a Mobile Phone and identify the one with latest good features and settle for it.
Which features should you be looking for in an Android Mobile Phone?
There are many Mobile Phones manufacturers whose Mobile Phones Models come pre-installed with Android OS. Your choice for buying a Mobile Phone should not necessary be influenced by color, size of screen or the accessories that a Mobile Phone comes with. In as much as these aspects are important and determine diverse tastes for Mobile Phone buyers, there are some other vital things that should be put into consideration; These are some of basic requirements you could look out for;
- Android OS (one that supports at least Android Version 4.x.x and above is OK)
- Mobile Phone’s Internal Storage Memory Size (8Gb, 16Gb, 32Gb and above is OK)
- Mobile Phone’s RAM Memory Size (1Gb, 2Gb, 3Gb and above is OK)
- Network Generation Technology Compatible with your Mobile Phone (3G, 4G and above is OK)
- Camera (5MP, 8MP, 13MP and above is OK)
- Wi-Fi Enabled
- BlueTooth Enabled
- Slots for SIM card (2 SIM Card Slots and above is OK)
- Audio PORT
- USB Port for Charging, Copying Data To and From your Phone etc.
- Extension Slot for External Memory Card (one that supports at least 4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb, 32Gb and above is OK)
- FM Radio
You should however aim at getting the best deal for a Mobile Phone device by getting a Mobile Phone device that has the highest and latest features in the market if your budget permits you. Take for instance, if you can make a bargain and get a Mobile Phone at a fair price with a Higher version of Android, Bigger Internal Memory, Bigger RAM, 2 or more SIM card slots then that’s what you should go for.
Do not go for a Mobile Phone with 1 Gb RAM if there is a Mobile Phone with 2Gb RAM if they both retail at the same price or go for a Mobile Phone with 8Gb Internal Memory when you can get another Mobile Phone with 16Gb or 32Gb that goes for the same Price. Try and get the best deal you can get for a Mobile Phone when you are shopping for one. The above features can help you to know what to look for but of importance to note is to never forget to exercise caution, consult widely and let your intuition guide you in making a good decision before you commit to make a purchase (it would be good you pray!).
Where can I buy a Good Android Mobile Phone?
After you have identified the features you want to have in your Android Mobile Phone and after determining the particular Mobile Phone model you want to buy it is now time to go shopping and buy that Mobile Phone. So where do you go and buy that Mobile Phone?
We are not vouching for any particular retailer, shop or outlet whatsoever but you could consider buying or ordering for delivery of the Mobile Phone you want from the following; The list is not in any particular order and is not exhaustive. There are very many other places you can get good deals.
When you get a good deal and you feel that you would like to let everyone else know about it so that our brothers and sisters can benefit from the same, you could also drop us an e-mail and tell us about it so that we can update this list.
What next after buying an Android Mobile Phone?
Download Mbivilia App for FREE now!
Tips on how to take Good Care of your Android Mobile Phone
If you are like many of us, when you spend your hard earned cash to buy something or pay for a service, you want to derive optimum value from it for a long time. The same case applies when you get that sleek looking Mobile Phone with all the features you have been looking for. You want it to be a loyal servant that will serve you diligently for a long time. You do not want the lifespan of your Mobile Phone to last for a few days or a few months, everyone wants to get a good service from their Mobile Phone until they themselves decide they have gained useful service from it and want to have another Mobile Phone. At least that’s what majority of us do or wish to do but that’s not always guaranteed if good care of our beloved Mobile Phone is not taken into consideration.
So how do you take Good Care of your Android Mobile Phone so that it lives to give you a Satisfactory User Service?
Here are 20 Tips you can use to take Good Care of your Android Mobile Phone so that you gain useful service from it.
20 Tips on how to take good care of your Android Mobile Phone
Buy a Mobile Phone Casing for your Mobile Phone
A Mobile Phone's Casing protects it from scratches especially if you are the type that lumps all your items in one pocket, bag or your workstation is rugged. Think of a situation where you have to quickly leave the office and you pick your Mobile Phone, Pens, Keys and other personal items and stash them in your pocket or bag. Your Mobile Phone is likely to get scratches on its surface and display screen. A good Mobile Phone Casing should not cost you more than Kshs 1500.Buy a Mobile Phone Screen Shield to protect your Mobile Phone’s screen display
Have you ever seen those ugly lines on a smashed glass window or on a broken mirror? That’s what is bound to happen if you do not take good care of the display screen of your Android Mobile Phone. To safeguard against such like incidences, get a screen shield for your Mobile Phone at a Mobile Phones’ accessories shop. It should not cost you more than Kshs 300. Recently, there's been another variety in the markets that is currently now going for KShs 500. Consult with the shop attendants to advise you on the advantages of the pricey one to the former.Avoid placing your phone at the edge / corner of your working station, raised places or hanging it somewhere.
Chances of your phone tipping over, smashing to the floor and breaking into a thousand pieces are high when your Mobile Phone vibrates and shifts from its current position when you receive a Phone Call, SMS or a WhatsApp message.Do not make it a habit of browsing internet while your Mobile Phone is Charging
It is not advisable to use internet while your Mobile Phone is charging, the best thing to do is to turn off your internet and let your phone charge. Connecting to the internet and using internet while your phone is on the charger strains your battery and makes it dissipate a lot of heat which can damage electronic components of your Mobile Phone hence reducing its useful lifetime service.Do not use any random charger to charge your Mobile Phone
Use appropriate Mobile Phone chargers that are certified by the manufacturers of the device. Some chargers you may come across may not have the correct output power ratings for charging your Mobile Phone and may thus destroy your Mobile Phone’s battery. Just be careful and only plug your phone to appropriate manufacturer specified phone chargers.Replace your Mobile Phone Battery with a correct similar battery
If you have to seek a replacement for your Mobile Phone’s Battery, ensure that you replace it with a similar type and not any other Battery that fits. It is good to consult the expertise of your Mobile Phone manufacturer’s service center advice to get the authentic replacements for your Mobile Phone.Backup your Mobile Phone’s contacts by enabling Google backup on scheduled basis e.g. every week, month
This is useful because you get to have a fall back copy of all your saved contacts should your device act up on you or get stolen. Backups come in handy big time especially when recovering from a mobile device theft or mobile device loss.Put a Security Code on your Mobile Phone
A security code unlike a PIN helps protect your Mobile Phone’s vital data or misuse should it fall into the hands of unscrupulous people or nosy people. Put a code that is not known to anyone else apart from you. Do not put codes that people can easily guess e.g. year when you were born, year when Kenya got independence or your employee number. Whatever you do, make sure that your Security Code is not one that anyone can easily guess at.Activate use of Biometric Fingerprint Authentication if your Mobile Phone comes with an onboard Fingerprint Reader Scanner
Biometric Fingerprint Authentication is the other best alternative to passwords as it is unique to the bearer of the biometric digital print. Unlike passwords, security codes and PINs, no one can guess your Biometric Fingerprint Data. Put it to use for added Maximum Security in your Mobile Phone.Wash your Mobile Phone regularly
You should NEVER EVER do this! The relationship between your Mobile Phone and Water should be like that one of a Cat and Water. Cats dislike water and they never want you to splash water on them. Keep your phone away from moist and wet environments. All electronic devices are made up of metallic components that would rust very fast if they came into contact with moisture and water. Rust destroys electronic appliances and renders them useless within a short period of time. Make sure your Mobile Phone does not come into contact with Water and Moisture and it will live to serve you for a long time.Do not leave your Mobile Phone’s Bluetooth turned on while in Public Places
Bluetooth feature allows Bluetooth enabled devices to share files and data and can also be used to control certain functionalities of the connected device. If you are not using Bluetooth in your phone, consider turning it off so that you do not drain your battery’s charge quickly. This will help you get enough usage for your Mobile Phone’s charge especially if you are engaged in outdoor activities where you do not have access to your Mobile Phone’s charging accessories.Connect to Wi-Fi connections you trust
Do not be tempted to always connect to any Wi-Fi connection you find open in Public Places especially the ones that do not ask for passwords. Train yourself to always connect your Mobile Phone to trusted Wi-Fi connections where for you to connect to internet on Wi-Fi you have to ask for a user name and user password. This way you can be sure your Mobile Phone connects to secure and trusted internet connections. The safest way to use your Mobile Phone on internet is to buy data bundles for your Mobile Phone and only connect to safe Wi-Fi connections.Do not deliberately drop your Mobile Phone on hard surfaces or throw it
Taking good care of your Mobile Phone also involves gently handling your mobile device. If you have to place your phone on a hard surface like on a slab or table, do it softly so that you do not bang your Mobile Phone on the surface. This way your Mobile Phone will not break or have its internal components dislocate and tear. Mobile Phone’s batteries tend to lose their terminal grips when they shift in their casings and this could result in your Mobile Phone unintentionally going off or causing a short circuit inside your Mobile Phone which could render your Mobile Phone dysfunctional.Do not open too many Apps in your Mobile Phone at the same time
In as much as computing power is significantly moving to hand held devices, Mobile Phones are not as intelligent as Computers on matters Memory Management. Your Mobile Phone may not know how to push to the background or relinquish memory resources from being used by applications that the Mobile Phone User is not currently using. If you notice applications in your Mobile Phone are taking long to respond and that there’s gradual reduction in the performance of your Mobile Phone you may have to consider turning off the applications you are not using so that your Mobile Phone does not behave as though it is dragging itself while you use it.Buy an Antivirus for your Mobile Phone
You should consider buying a Mobile Phone Antivirus for your Mobile Phone if you want to stay clear from virus attacks, data loss and malfunctioning of your Mobile Phone. A Mobile Phone Antivirus behaves and acts in the same way as a Computer Antivirus. It is the Security Guard of your Phone from external attacks you may not be aware about. Never ever think of an Antivirus as a 'by the way' or unnecessary expenditure that you can do without, it is a necessity and a requirement that secures your Mobile Phone at all times.Free up your Internal Memory Space from data you do not need
A Mobile Phone’s internal Memory is a resource that is likely to be misused by you and applications that hog memory space. Freeing up your Mobile Phone’s internal memory space helps your Mobile Phone operate optimally. Remove data you do not need to use in the foreseeable future e.g. files, music, videos that you have already archived elsewhere. You do not need your Mobile Phone to be an electronic data bin and besides, you will also have enough space for storing new items and data you need to carry around in your Mobile Phone.Keep your Mobile Phone Cool
Do not place your Mobile Phone on hot surfaces e.g. on a Microwave, Hot Sufuria lid, on the Engine of your Car, next to the Iron Box or any place where the temperature is likely to rise above room temperature etc. Your Mobile Phone can explode with disastrous effects and even cause fire if exposed to conditions where increased temperatures are likely to cause plastic to melt or batteries to explode. Do not leave your Mobile Phone out in the sun.Update your Mobile Phone Android OS Device
Whenever there are new updates for your Mobile Phone, plan to install them as they help your phone stay updated on matters security and fixing bugs. This is not a necessity and you do not have to rush to do it every time your Mobile Phone notifies you that there are updates ready to be installed in your Mobile Phone. The best thing is to have a good functioning Antivirus in your Mobile Phone instead. If you do not know how to go about installing these updates, you can ignore them or seek expertise of your Mobile Phone manufacturer’s service center help. Sometimes people break their Mobile Phones when trying to do these updates. Leave it to the professionals.Clean your SIM Cards surfaces before inserting them to SIM Card slots if migrating from another Mobile Phone
It is usually a good practice to keep the SIM card slots of your Mobile Phone clean. Small particles of dirt, grease or moisture at the SIM card slots could make your Mobile Phone fail to connect to the network and your Mobile Phone will be rendered useless if you cannot call or receive SMS with it. It is not a rare occurrence to hear a friend quip that one of their Mobile Phone’s SIM card slots is not functional hence they cannot have two SIM cards operational in their Mobile device. To prevent these and other related instances, it is best you insert clean SIM cards into your Mobile Phone SIM Card slots. Wipe dusty or wet SIM cards before inserting them to your Mobile Phone’s SIM card slots.Make it a habit of checking that you have your Mobile Phone every time you move from one place to another
Have you ever been seated next to a person or this workmate who is always moving around and every time they do so they leave their Mobile Phone behind and you have to suffer the nuisance of its loud ringtone until it stops ringing because it is not ethical to pick up other people’s phones and answer them? Make sure your Mobile Phone does not become a bother to those around you and know when to turn it off and when to put it on vibrate and when to remove the ringtone. A Mobile Phone is like a pet, if your pet’s existence is becoming a problem to everyone around you then that could possibly draw a dislike for it and you and your Mobile Phone are likely to get parted. Just like that! Without a trace. Ever searched for something without finding it and no one ever seems to understand or explain its mysterious disappearance? People have a way of making this disappear! Lol! But Christians do not help make things disappear.